Five technologies that can save your recruitment firm time and money

As recruiters, finding ways to make some daily processes easier and more efficient is always beneficial. Alongside this, using technological advances to improve outcomes can also make a big difference to productivity and profitability – it’s a win-win!

In this blog, we look at five different technologies that can have a hugely positive impact on your recruitment business if utilised effectively. 

Social media 

While not exactly brand-new technology, social media platforms are constantly evolving features and functionality, which means that staying on top of what each platform is capable of and how it can be used in your recruitment activity, is very important. If your audience are on a specific social media platform, then so should you be. As a general rule:

  • LinkedIn is ideal for sourcing candidates and also potentially finding employers that want the services you offer
  • X/Twitter is a great place to show what you’re all about as a business and to reach potential candidates
  • Instagram & TikTok can be a really good place to source candidates in certain sectors, with short-form video a brilliant engagement tool.

Don’t discount platforms like Facebook and YouTube either, especially if you’ve got a paid media budget. Choosing relevant accounts and topics to align your ads to can mean you’re getting in front of the right people in a way that your competitors are not. 

Applicant tracking systems (ATS)

Applicant tracking systems make it easier for recruiters to assess candidates for specific roles and give you an organised way to keep track of where each application is up to. 

ATS works by scanning CVs for specific keywords, skills and experience related to the role the candidate has applied for, to make sure they are suitable for the role, and prioritises them, so that recruiters can save time sifting out people who are obviously not a fit for the role. 

Many ATS, especially cloud-based platforms, now also include functionality to help with all stages of recruitment, including tying in with interview and onboarding processes, effectively combining several tech tools into one. 

AI and automation

As anyone in recruitment knows, it’s the small repetitive tasks that take up the bulk of the day-to-day, which can be frustrating when it doesn’t leave time for more profitable (and let’s face it, more enjoyable) tasks. 

AI can help in a range of ways, including:

  • Screening CVs
  • Helping create job ads
  • Scheduling interviews
  • Answering common candidate questions (via chatbots)

Of course, AI is still an emerging technology and requires oversight, but it ‘learns’ from the feedback given, so should require less checking as time goes by. 

Video interviews

Again, there’s nothing that new about video interviews, but the technology that supports video calls and other remote meeting tools has moved on significantly since pre-pandemic times, making it a much more viable option now. By using video interviews, it saves recruiters time in doing initial screening and suitability calls, but gives way more feedback than standard phone calls because of the visual cues involved. You can get more done in less time. 

Of course, remote video interviewing also saves time and money for employers and candidates if they get further down the line too. 

Performance tracking analytics

Understanding how your business is performing in a granular way can make a huge difference to success and profitability over time. Exactly what you should track will depend on your individual business and operations, but many recruiters find it very useful to monitor metrics such as:

  • Time to hire
  • Cost per hire
  • Offer acceptance rate
  • Original source of successful candidates
  • Candidate experience of the process (Net Prompter Score or NPS)
  • Client experience of the process (client NPS)

Comparing these metrics over time periods will help to show which areas of the business are performing well and which need to improve. 

There are specific software and cloud solutions designed just for recruiters and HR teams to make this easier and quick to maintain or update, such as eploy and oneup

If you’d like to know more about how we help recruitment businesses to maximise leads and results through marketing, get in touch.
